Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Birthday, Rogers!

RAA, Jr. /
Living Doll, Delicate Thing, and an Angel…

This is a scrapbooking entry I wrote in 2005 in honor of my brother, Rogers A. Adams, Jr. This past Tuesday, October 28, was his birthday. He was in Houston visiting for the occasion, and all of the boys and I got to spend some wonderful time together with him Saturday night. Time moves SO very quickly and is so precious; I want to spend what time I can with him when he is in the states.

Love you, Bubba. Happiest of birthdays to you!!! Hope you enjoy my blog entry…

I have NO doubt that if today one would ask my brother Rogers if the above title that was given to his little sister was true, he would give you an unequivocal, and resounding, NO!!! Growing up, he was thoroughly indoctrinated by our daddy that this little sister was just that, and that he should take good care of her and not let the boys in the neighborhood “mistreat” her. Oh, my. Never would Rogers A. Adams, Sr. ever suspect that his sons were the ones that wanted to mistreat her the most, and often did!
That’s not completely true, for my brothers did love me. Yes, they did try to scare me constantly. They knew I was a serious scaredy cat, and they played on that! They told me that a big black man lived in my closet and would get me if I got out of my bed at night, and I believed them. They also told me that monsters lived under my bed. I believed that, too. Boy was I stupid or so incredibly gullible or what!!! They would get me outside to “play” hide and go seek with them, and then lock me outside. I could go on, but one gets the picture.

Granted, I was sort of a pest, I’m sure, (I’m sure they would delete the “sort of”), wanting to be with them all of the time, doing what they wanted to do, going where they were going, and I know they just wanted to do “boy” things. Rogers and I were closer than Kelly and I. Even though there was more than 6 years difference in our ages, we got along. I loved to go places with Rogers and his friends, plus Mama would get Rogers to take me to all of after-school activities, like dancing, choir, Blue Birds, etc. There would be Rogers, Greg Pitts, Tommy Skelton, Mike and Monte Richardson, Mike Reiney, and others and they would take the LONG way to every activity, and make the “drag”, go to the Burger Bar, or Burger Chef and get cokes and ride around, smoking, being cool, and wasting gas. I KNEW never to say anything about where they went or what they did, for then I would not get to go again, and I wanted to be with all of these cute guys, and so on and so on…

I loved my brothers. We grew up and apart, but there were always childhood bonds that kept us together. Rogers was there more than once during my late teens and twenties to help me during times when I needed a true friend. We were there together during the loss of Daddy, Mama, and Kelly. He supported me, and I supported him. During the late 90’s and early 2000’s, we hit a most incredibly difficult time and he chose to not have anything to do with me and my family. It was such a difficult time for me, for he was all I had left of the “Adams family.”

Things have been great for all of us for about a year now, but even though we are getting along once again, there is now the difficulty of space – Rogers moved to Mexico June of 2004. I’m glad he’s happy, but I almost find it unbearable with him being so far away.

Included here are pictures of Rogers and me taken when he came to Houston to visit in the summer of 2005, and, of course, of the “Living Doll, Delicate Thing, and an Angel” with her “Bubba”.
Hey, Bubba, I surely do miss you. You’ve been an incredibly good brother and the best “Uncle Bubba” – “UB”. Thanks for just being you...



Carrie Blair said...

Family is sooooo important.

Everytime I go home I have the hardest time coming back because I miss them soooo much.

I am glad you all got to spend time together.

Misti Ferguson said...

Awwww...what a sweet post!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Kathleen! I don't know if Adam told you, but I'm an internet stalker (in a good way). :) I've really enjoyed your blog for the past couple of months. I'll be in Houston for the week after Christmas, I hope that I'll get to hang out with you and your great family during that time.