Saturday, November 3, 2007

To Err is Human, or something like that...

My apologies to my myriad of readers (smile). I did not realize that I had inadvertently stopped anyone from commenting on my new posts. I know everyone is feeling writer-deprived by the mistake.

I really do consider myself fairly technologically minded -- semi-computer savvy with heavy emphasis on the semi part. However, I read the instructions erroneously, I guess.

Thanks to APN for emailing me my faux pas. Hopefully everyone will now flock to the site and read all about the Newton Nut House and Fine Emporium, and COMMENT. I want everyone who reads this blog to know I have a few friends. HAHAHA

Hey, APN -- did I ever tell you that even intelligent, educated people in the 40's and 50's pronounced "faux pas" as "fox paw". There was even some kind of story explaining why a "fox paws" was a social blunder -- poor fox what did he do...

Now, on with Act II, Scene 1...